How to clean inside the LHC
The beam pipes of the LHC need to be so clean, even air molecules count as dirt.
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The beam pipes of the LHC need to be so clean, even air molecules count as dirt.
In honor of Fermilab’s upcoming 50th birthday, Symmetry presents physics birthday cards.
It was in the 1990s that John saw a big white tanker trailer used for liquid-nitrogen parked next to the A-1 service building on Main Ring Road.
An enormous neutrino detector named ICARUS unites physics labs in Italy, Switzerland and the United States.
The world’s largest liquid-argon neutrino detector, ICARUS, is about to make its way from CERN to Fermilab to begin its new mission: hunting for a previously undetected fourth type of neutrino.
The third detection of gravitational waves from merging black holes provides a new test of the theory of general relativity.
It was in June that National Accelerator Laboratory employees first showed up to work and that Leon Lederman became the lab’s second director.