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Fermilab celebrates new research center, facility that may help answer questions about the universe

    From the Daily Herald, April 13, 2023: Yesterday, Fermilab celebrated the opening of the Integrated Engineering Research Center, the ribbon-cutting of the Proton Improvement Plan-II cryoplant building and the groundbreaking for the PIP-II accelerator. Joined by DOE officials, international dignitaries, Gov. Pritzker, Illinois Congressmen and local officials, Fermilab’s director Lia Merminga proudly remarked, with these new research facilities, Fermilab will be universally acknowledged as the world leader in neutrino science for years to come.

    Happy World Quantum Day, Fermilab advances quantum science and technology

      From Physics World, April 13, 2023: In recognition of World Quantum Day today, Physics World speaks with Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino, director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center. In this podcast, Grassellino explains how SQMS brings together people with a broad range of expertise to create new quantum technologies and how quantum sensors can be used to look for physics beyond the Standard Model.

      DOE hosts World Quantum Day webinar

        From the DOE Office of Science: Register today for the April 14 webinar celebrating World Quantum Day with the Office of Science. Learn about the broad range of User Facilities that work in quantum and hear from researchers currently using quantum test beds, X-ray light sources and Nanoscale Science Research Centers -in addition to other facilities- for their work.