The secret life of Higgs bosons
Are these mass-giving particles hanging out with dark matter?
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Are these mass-giving particles hanging out with dark matter?
At a showing of the blockbuster movie followed by a Q&A with Fermilab scientists, students from diverse backgrounds were encouraged to pursue STEM careers.
De El Pais, Feb. 16, 2018: El chorro de partículas pasará por un gigantesco detector capaz de observar la formación de un agujero negro en tiempo real y permitirá buscar respuestas al origen del universo
Eastern prairie fringed orchids are planted at seven sites throughout its campus, promoting the growth of this rare species.
From CNN, Feb. 13, 2018: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln talks about the Muon g-2 experiment and what it could tell us about the universe.
From Brookhaven National Laboratory, Feb. 12, 2018: Fermilab scientist Bo Jayatilaka is quoted in this article on ATLAS’s measurement of the mass of the W boson, a particle that plays a weighty role in a delicate balancing act of the quantum universe.
When it comes to love, sometimes you have to say it with science.
From Daily Herald, Feb. 8, 2018: Having access to two of the U.S. Department of Energy’s 17 national labs is a rarity for a community college, and yet College of DuPage is fortunate to have both Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory located within its boundaries.
The event included opportunities to talk with lab employees, a panel discussion, tours, a physics carnival and a liquid-nitrogen show.
From Live Science, Feb. 8, 2018: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln writes an article for Live Science on the Muon g-2 experiment and how the results could potentially punch a hole in the reigning Standard Model of particle physics.