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From UChicago News, July 25, 2019: The University of Chicago is seeding promising projects with Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab in the emerging fields of artificial intelligence and quantum science.
Fermilab scientist Brian Nord is one of the grant recipients.
From FAPESP, July 24, 2019: Três das principais conquistas científicas nos últimos anos – a detecção do bóson de Higgs, em 2012, e das ondas gravitacionais, em 2015, e a obtenção da primeira imagem de um buraco negro, em 2019 – têm algo em comum: são grandes projetos colaborativos, com a participação de pesquisadores de diversos países, incluindo o Brasil.
From, July 19, 2019: Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper is quoted in this explainer on dark matter.
From the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July 9, 2019: The international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, will start running in 2026, studying an intense beam of neutrinos that starts at Fermilab and that will be measured in underground caverns in Lead, South Dakota. Fermilab scientists Deborah Harris and Sam Zeller talk about the mysteries of neutrinos and how DUNE will address them in this in depth article.
In the world of particle physics, scientists work with tiny, invisible particles, tracking their collisions and interactions with one another. But what if you could render them as music? What would these songs of the subatomic sound like? Adam Nadel, Fermilab’s 2018 artist-in-residence, worked with scientists at Fermilab and set out to do just that. Read on to hear his music.
From Medium, July 19, 2019: Hunting for dark matter, neutrinos, and other elusive signals isn’t just a satisfying endeavor, it’s a way of life for ProtoDUNE scientist Laura Manenti.
From Kelo, July 19, 2019: Fermilab’s Patrick Weber and others talk about the international, Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and its Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility in this 8-minute video. Sanford Underground Research Facility is home to the DUNE far detector, and the world-leading research taking place at there is giving scientists from a variety of disciplines a wealth of information about the universe, the geology of the region and life underground.