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From Physics Today, June 1, 2021: How the Muon g-2 results from Brookhaven and Fermilab have challenged the standard model. Fermilab’s Chris Polly talks about the Brookhaven experiment, moving the magnetic ring and what the Fermilab results mean to the standard model and particle physics.

From Laboratory Equipment, May 31, 2021: Fermilab engineer Bill Pellico wondered if it would be possible to make the interior cameras movable using liquid argon detectors to inspect the inside of detectors.

From The Florida News Times, May 28, 2021: A highly accurate analysis of the DES data from the first three years of the study, show hints from previous DES data and other important experiments in the universe today are a few percent less than expected. The Dark Energy Survey Camera (DECam) used in the survey was specially designed for the Dark Energy Survey, and was funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) and built and tested at DOE’s Fermilab.

From Science Magazine, May 27, 2021: The the Biden administration proposed boosting the budget for the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) basic research wing, the Office of Science, but members of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology think the agency needs a lot more. Representative Bill Foster (D–IL), who once worked as a particle physicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), encourages Secretary of Energy Granholm “to throw deep with major new investments in the sort of large science facilities and initiatives that [DOE] is uniquely positioned to propose, to lead, and to execute.

From Pour la Science, May 19, 2021: Is the Standard Model of Particle Physics at fault? The comparison of the first results of the Muon g – 2 experiment on the measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the most recent theoretical results does not yet allow a conclusion.