Waiting for a sign
Some scientists spend decades trying to catch a glimpse of a rare process. But with good experimental design and a lot of luck, they often need only a handful of signals to make a discovery.
21 - 30 of 33 results
Some scientists spend decades trying to catch a glimpse of a rare process. But with good experimental design and a lot of luck, they often need only a handful of signals to make a discovery.
Scientists are using cutting-edge machine-learning techniques to analyze physics data.
Hubert van Hecke, a heavy-ion physicist, transforms particle physics plots into works of art.
The authors of We Have No Idea remind us that there are still many unsolved mysteries in science.
While driven by the desire pursue curiosity, fundamental investigations are the crucial first step to innovation.
New experiments will help astronomers uncover the sources that helped make the universe transparent.
THE Port humanitarian hackathon at CERN brings people from multiple industries together to make the world a better place.
Physicists are searching for gravitational waves all across the spectrum.
Computer simulations help cosmologists unlock the mystery of how the universe evolved.
A new tool lets astronomers listen to the universe for the first time.