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News highlights featuring Fermilab

241 - 250 of 1518 results

This particle challenges the standard model of particle physics

    From National Geographic (Spain) April 21, 2023: A little over a year ago, the high-precision measurement of the W boson was announced with an accuracy of 0.01%, twice as great as the best previous measurement. In finding the mass of the W boson to be significantly higher than predicted by theory, it deviates markedly from the Standard Model predictions.

    Nigel Lockyer named new director of the Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education

      From the Cornell Chronicle, April 24, 2023: Fermilab’s former director, Nigel Lockyer, has been named the new director at the Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education starting May 1. In his new role, he will work closely with CLASSE staff and faculty, and with Cornell leadership to continue to provide world-class research opportunities in accelerator-based science to the Cornell community and beyond.

      LHC, the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, emerges from hibernation

        From Big Think, April 22, 2023: After a four month winter shut-down, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider resumes operations as the world’s highest energy particle accelerator. With the restart, scientists will continue to study the laws of nature, with special interest toward discovering something entirely new.

        Ceremony unveils new buildings to advance science at Fermilab

          From UChicago News, April 19, 2023: University of Chicago President Paul Alivisatos and Executive Vice President for Science, Innovation, National Laboratories, and Global Initiatives Juan de Pablo joined DOE and Fermilab leaders and other officials at Fermilab’s Building Fermilab’s Future event. The event marked the opening of the IERC and PIP-II cryoplant buildings and the groundbreaking for the construction of the Linac Complex for the PIP-II accelerator.

          Fermilab celebrates new research center, facility that may help answer questions about the universe

            From the Daily Herald, April 13, 2023: Yesterday, Fermilab celebrated the opening of the Integrated Engineering Research Center, the ribbon-cutting of the Proton Improvement Plan-II cryoplant building and the groundbreaking for the PIP-II accelerator. Joined by DOE officials, international dignitaries, Gov. Pritzker, Illinois Congressmen and local officials, Fermilab’s director Lia Merminga proudly remarked, with these new research facilities, Fermilab will be universally acknowledged as the world leader in neutrino science for years to come.

            Happy World Quantum Day, Fermilab advances quantum science and technology

              From Physics World, April 13, 2023: In recognition of World Quantum Day today, Physics World speaks with Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino, director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center. In this podcast, Grassellino explains how SQMS brings together people with a broad range of expertise to create new quantum technologies and how quantum sensors can be used to look for physics beyond the Standard Model.