
1371 - 1380 of 2216 results

DUNE: The neutrinos must flow

    From DOE’s Direct Current podcast, May 7, 2019: This episode of Direct Current takes a subatomic sojourn into the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, a massive international research project aiming to unlock the secrets of the neutrino with help from more than 175 institutions in over 30 countries. Join Fermilab’s Chris Mossey, Bonnie Fleming and Lia Merminga and DUNE collaborator Christos Touramanis on a tour from Fermilab to CERN to the bottom of a former gold mine a mile beneath the hills of South Dakota.

    How close are we to creating a lightsaber?

      From Seeker, May 4, 2019: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln appears in this video on what it would take to create the famed powerful and elegant lightsabers of Star Wars.

      A universe is born

      By developing clever theories and conducting experiments with particle colliders, telescopes and satellites, physicists have been able to wind the film of the universe back billions of years—and glimpse the details of the very first moments in the history of our cosmic home. Take a (brief) journey through the early history of our cosmos.

      Pesquisadores querem ação coordenada de financiamento na América Latina

        From Agência FAPESP, May 1, 2019: Na última década foi iniciada, em diferentes países da América Latina, a operação de grandes infraestruturas de pesquisa, como o maior observatório de raios cósmicos do mundo, o Pierre Auger, na Argentina, e o Observatório Cherenkov de Água de Alta Altitude, no México. Nos próximos anos, devem ser concluídas as obras do Sirius – a nova fonte brasileira de luz síncrotron – e do Laboratório Argentino de Feixes de Nêutrons.