Howie Day records love song to physics
After the musician learned that grad students at CERN had created a parody of his 2004 single “Collide,” he flew to Switzerland to sing it at the LHC.
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After the musician learned that grad students at CERN had created a parody of his 2004 single “Collide,” he flew to Switzerland to sing it at the LHC.
From the DOE Office of Science, June 21, 2017: Dark Energy Survey Director Josh Frieman appears in this Office of Science article, which surveys research projects that will help us better understand the phenomenon that is accelerating the universe’s expansion.
Universities in sub-Saharan Africa are teaming up to offer free training to students interested in fundamental physics.
From The New York Times, June 19, 2017: Fermilab scientist Joel Butler is quoted in this article on physicists monitoring the Large Hadron Collider are seeking clues to a theory that will answer deeper questions about the cosmos.
A NASA rocket experiment could use the Doppler effect to look for signs of dark matter in mysterious X-ray emissions from space.
From WTTW’s Chicago Tonight, June 19, 2017: Director Nigel Lockyer and physicists Patricia McBride and Herman White appear in this six-minute segment on Fermilab’s leading role in particle physics, including neutrino research.
Fermilab celebrates 50 years of discovery.
From Daily Herald, June 15, 2017: The Daily Herald publishes a collection of Fermilab-related photos in celebration of the lab’s 50-year anniversary.
The particle physics laboratory makes a Spanish connection.
The beam pipes of the LHC need to be so clean, even air molecules count as dirt.