A collective strategy for physics in Africa
For the first time, African physicists and other researchers are creating a grassroots strategy for the future of physics research and education.
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For the first time, African physicists and other researchers are creating a grassroots strategy for the future of physics research and education.
From Queen Mary University of London, April 26, 2021: Fermilab scientist Dr. Kirsty Duffy was awarded the Ernest Rutherford Fellowship from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to establish a new research group working on MicroBooNE at Queen Mary University of London. Duffy will continue to host the Even Bananas video series which explores neutrinos until the end of the year.
From Sciences et Avenir (France), August 6, 2021: Two recent physics experiments, Muon g-2 and the LHCb, have upset the whole physics of matter possibly finding new forces. Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment measured the muon’s magnetic moment confirming the Brookhaven result that revealed it didn’t match the theory.
From Science News Online, August 5, 2021: Science writer Emily Conover explores the fascinating world of neutrino detectors that make the invisible world of particles visible. Read more about how neutrino detectors have evolved with insights Fermilab’s Jennifer Raaf and Sam Zeller.
The newly discovered tetraquark provides a unique window into the interactions of the particles that make up atoms.
From DOE.gov, August 2, 2021: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide $100 million over the next four years for new research in high energy physics. Funding will support research and experiments that explore the frontiers of high energy physics. This includes Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment which aims to search for signs of physics beyond the standard model, scientists’ current best theory to describe the most basic building blocks of the universe.
A group of scientists is hoping to detect dark matter using a nanoscale drum.
From Next Gov, July 26, 2021: Did you know Illinois Rep. Bill Foster is the only PhD physicist in Congress? Recently, he proposed additional funding for the Restore and Modernize Our National Laboratories Act of 2021. He worked at Fermilab for over two decades and said, “the labs have led the way not only in developing breakthrough technologies—but also in commercializing them.”
From Community College Daily, July 26, 2021: Moraine Valley Community College in Illinois has six students participating in Department of Science internships this summer, four are at Fermilab. These ten to 16-week internships increase students’ confidence levels, offer professional development, technical writing training and networking with scientists.
From Forbes Italia, July 27, 2021: Congratulations Anna Grasselino on being named by Forbes Italia as one of the 100 successful women who has distinguished herself in 2021 for ingenuity, tenacity and competence! See the complete list that includes scientists, sport champions, visionary entrepreneurs and managers.