451 - 460 of 563 results
LHCb observes rare decay
Standard Model predictions align with the LHCb experiment’s observation of an uncommon decay.
What ended the dark ages of the universe?
New experiments will help astronomers uncover the sources that helped make the universe transparent.
Road trip science
The Escaramujo Project delivered detector technology by van to eight universities in Latin America.
Sign of a long-sought asymmetry
A result from the LHCb experiment shows what could be the first evidence of matter and antimatter baryons behaving differently.
Five extreme facts about neutron stars
Neutron stars have earned their share of superlatives since their discovery in 1967.
Matter-antimatter mystery remains unsolved
Measuring with high precision, physicists at CERN found a property of antiprotons perfectly mirrored that of protons.
The value of basic research
How can we measure the worth of scientific knowledge? Economic analysts give it a shot.
A group known for making music with everyday objects recently got their hands on some extraordinary props.