Video: How to wrangle a particle
Learn some particle accelerator basics from a Fermilab accelerator operator.
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Learn some particle accelerator basics from a Fermilab accelerator operator.
A recent uptick in the discovery of the smallest, oldest galaxies benefits studies of dark matter, galaxy formation and the evolution of the universe.
The United States and the European physics laboratory have formally agreed to partner on continued LHC research, upcoming neutrino research and a future collider.
A tour of 10 of this year’s popular science books delivers dark matter, black holes and a hefty dose of Einstein.
To learn more about the particles they collide, physicists turn their attention to a less destructive type of collision in the LHC.
Scientists don’t yet know what dark matter is made of, but they are full of ideas.
Matter and antimatter behave differently. Scientists hope that investigating how might someday explain why we exist.
Scientists have made the first-ever calculation of a prediction involving the decay of certain matter and antimatter particles.
Scientists plan to use a newly awarded grant to develop a shoebox-sized particle accelerator in five years.