In the news

From Sanford Underground Research Facility’s Deep Thoughts, July 17, 2018: Nearly 1,500 people attended activities at Sanford Lab’s free science festival in Lead, South Dakota, breaking the single-day record.

From APS News, July 2018: Scientists are looking down a number of avenues for dark matter. Fermilab’s Daniel Bowring and Dan Hooper discuss the search, and members of SuperCDMS, ADMX and other collaborations are on the hunt.

From Scientific American, July 5, 2018: This editorial weighs in on the latest result from the MiniBooNE experiment. The author says that, while winning experiments may soon give us clarity, at this time there is no resolution to the sterile neutrino question.

From The Washington Post, July 12, 2018: At the IceCube experiment at Earth’s South Pole, 5,160 sensors buried more than a mile beneath the ice detected a single ghostly neutrino as it interacted with an atom. Scientists then traced the particle back to the galaxy that created it.
The cosmic achievement is the first time scientists have detected a high-energy neutrino and been able to pinpoint where it came from.

From FAPESP’s Pesquisa, March 2018: International researchers are constantly looking for lighter particles in the hope of finding dark matter, including at the DarkSide-50 experiment, CDMS and the Dark Energy Survey.

From Daily Herald, July 10, 2018: There is a patch of suburbia where World Cup excitement is accelerating and loyalties are about to collide: Fermilab, our government’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory in Batavia.

From Scientific American, June 27, 2018: There are plenty of arguments for why the lesser known Greek letter should be as popular as its more famous cousin, pi. Tau is the name given to one of the charged leptons and its partner neutrino, discovered in 2000 at Fermilab.