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News highlights featuring Fermilab

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La siciliana che progetta il computer quantistico più potente al mondo

    From Radiotelevisione Italiana Spa, Sept. 2, 2020: Anna Grassellino, 39 anni, marsalese, è stata incaricata dal governo americano di realizzare al Fermilab di Chicago il calcolatore più veloce di sempre. Il progetto prevede anche iniziative di formazione in Sicilia.

    La scienziata italiana che guida gli Usa nella corsa al computer quantistico

      From La Repubblica, Aug. 28, 2020: Anna Grassellino, 39 anni di Marsala, coordina duecento scienziati a Chicago per realizzare un obiettivo sul quale la Cina ha investito 10 miliardi. “E’ una questione di sicurezza nazionale, ma io mi occupo di scienza. Mi piace ascoltare le risposte che dà la natura alle nostre domande.”

      New calculation refines comparison of matter with antimatter

        From Brookhaven National Laboratory, Sept. 17, 2020: Brookhaven theorists publish an improved prediction for the tiny difference in kaon decays observed by experiments. Understanding these decays and comparing the prediction with more recent state-of-the-art experimental measurements made at Fermilab and CERN gives scientists a way to test for tiny differences between matter and antimatter.

        New exhibitions starting Sept. 16–19

          From Chicago Gallery News, Sept. 15, 2020: The exhibit “Unexpected: Lisa Goesling & Deanna Krueger” starts at the Fermilab Art Gallery on Sept. 16. While Goesling and Krueger use different materials, they both approach their art with a sense of wonder. What evolves is an energy that is not only seen but also felt.

          UArizona collaborates on $115M effort to build quantum computer

            From University of Arizona, Sept. 2, 2020: Three University of Arizona researchers are involved in the Fermilab-hosted Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, which is part of a $625 million federal program to foster quantum innovation in the United States.