Is the universe a hologram?
From Science Channel’s Space’s Deepest Secrets, April 23, 2019: In an episode of this television series, Fermilab scientist Craig Hogan discusses the Holometer and his theories of the holographic universe.
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From Science Channel’s Space’s Deepest Secrets, April 23, 2019: In an episode of this television series, Fermilab scientist Craig Hogan discusses the Holometer and his theories of the holographic universe.
From the Chicago Tribune, April 23, 2019: Over the weekend, the first baby bison of the spring was born to the herd at Fermilab. Fermilab may be known for its cutting-edge scientific work, but its first director, Robert Wilson, always wanted to be reminded of his home in Wyoming where he lived before moving to Batavia, and so he brought bison with him.
From WBBM Newsradio, April 23, 2019: A baby bison was born Saturday at Fermilab — the first baby born this year. Fermilab expects between 12 and 14 new calves this spring. The new baby, and its mother, are doing well.
From Physics World, April 23, 2019: Fermilab Archivist Valerie Higgins discusses how the contributions of support staff should not be forgotten when it comes to celebrating scientific breakthroughs. Modern scientific research is often conducted through large organizational structures and thousands of participants. For archivists and others interested in the history of scientific research, developing a complete picture requires an understanding not only of the work that scientists and technical staff do but also the contributions of support staff too.
From Windy City Live, April 17, 2019: Romanieo Golphin Jr. is a global scientific ambassador to CERN, and he’s only nine years old! He stopped by the Windy City Live Science Lab to share some of his favorite science experiments and mentions his visit to Fermilab in this 9-minute video.
From The Beacon-News, April 18, 2019: The 12th annual STEM Career Expo at Fermilab allowed high school students interested in careers in math and science to interact with scientists at the lab and other professionals. More than 30 local companies and research organizations were represented at the event.
From the Kane County Chronicle, April 11, 2019: High school students who are potentially interested in a career in the STEM fields are invited to learn more about opportunities at the Fermilab STEM Career Expo from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 17 at in the atrium of Fermilab’s Wilson Hall. Students will meet with STEM professionals and ask questions about STEM careers. In addition to Fermilab scientists and engineers, the STEM Career Expo will feature more than 100 professionals from more than 30 local companies and research organizations who will explain what they do.
From ABC7: Fermilab scientist Brad Benson talks about the South Pole Telescope’s role part in the Event Horizon Telescope. Scientists behind the Event Horizon Telescope recently revealed the first image ever made of a black hole, depicting its hot, shadowy edges where light bends around itself in a cosmic funhouse effect. Assembling data gathered by eight radio telescopes around the world, astronomers created the picture showing the violent neighborhood around a supermassive black hole, the light-sucking monsters of the universe theorized by Einstein more than a century ago and confirmed by observations for decades.
From WBEZ’s Morning Shift, April 10, 2019: WBEZ interviews Fermilab scientist Brad Benson about the recent unveiling of the first ever photograph of a black hole. The Event Horizon Telescope, a collaboration between more than 200 scientists using telescopes from around the world, shot photographs of a supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87.
From CERN, March 19, 2019: DUNE co-spokesperson Stefan Soldner-Rembold talks the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment hosted at Fermilab, neutrinos and the global particle physics community’s efforts to understand this subtle particle.