In the news

From Québec Science, Dec. 3, 2018: La mise en service d’immenses détecteurs au Fermilab, aux États-Unis, pourrait prochainement faire la lumière sur des particules aussi bizarres que prometteuses: les neutrinos.

From This Week in Science, Nov. 28, 2018: Fermilab scientist Alex Himmel talks about neutrinos, DUNE and the excitement of particle physics. Segment starts at 5:01.

From New Scientist, Nov. 21, 2018: Elusive though it is, the sterile neutrino would be a real boon. It could make sense of experimental anomalies stretching back decades, and give us the first confirmed glimpse of physics beyond what we know. Subscription required.

From Cosmos, Nov. 28, 2018: MiniBooNE researchers have published a paper in the journal Physical Review Letters, reporting a possible trace of a fourth neutrino, an addition to the three of the Standard Model.