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News highlights featuring Fermilab

1341 - 1350 of 1512 results

Concerto per violino a sorpresa al Cern

    From Giornale di Sicilia, March 19, 2018: The Italian media outlet picks up a CERN-produced video of Nicola McConkey, a University of Sheffield postdoctoral researcher and violinist, playing a reel inside a ProtoDUNE detector at CERN.

    Una animación del complejo de aceleradores de partículas del Fermilab

      From Tecnomania, March 21, 2018: Esta animación muestra sobre unas bonitas imágenes aéreas el funcionamiento de los aceleradores de partículas del Fermilab –nombre coloquial del Laboratorio Nacional Fermi– que se construyó en 1967 en Illinois (Estados Unidos) hace ya la friolera de más de 50 años. Actualmente lo están «actualizando» y ampliando para llevar a cabo nuevos experimentos.

      Huge 10.5-billion-year-old cosmic explosion is the most distant supernova ever discovered

        From Newsweek, Feb. 21, 2018: DES162nm was first spotted in August 2016 using the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. The investigations were part of an international collaboration known as the Dark Energy Survey—a project designed to map hundreds of millions of galaxies in a search for the mysterious force that is thought to be behind the accelerating expansion of the universe.