Jagd auf sterile Neutrinos
- Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
- Germany
- Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility
- Sanford Lab
- South Dakota
From Welt, March 28, 2018: One of the top German newspapers writes about DUNE.
1341 - 1350 of 1512 results
From Welt, March 28, 2018: One of the top German newspapers writes about DUNE.
From the BBC, March 30, 2018: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer talks with the BBC about DUNE, the value of neutrino research, the Large Hadron Collider, and the construction of a Higgs factory.
From Giornale di Sicilia, March 19, 2018: The Italian media outlet picks up a CERN-produced video of Nicola McConkey, a University of Sheffield postdoctoral researcher and violinist, playing a reel inside a ProtoDUNE detector at CERN.
From Tecnomania, March 21, 2018: Esta animación muestra sobre unas bonitas imágenes aéreas el funcionamiento de los aceleradores de partículas del Fermilab –nombre coloquial del Laboratorio Nacional Fermi– que se construyó en 1967 en Illinois (Estados Unidos) hace ya la friolera de más de 50 años. Actualmente lo están «actualizando» y ampliando para llevar a cabo nuevos experimentos.
From Rapid City Journal: March 3, 2018: South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard touts DUNE and its positive economic effects for the state.
From WDCB Radio, March 4, 2018: Fermilab scientist Jason St. John discusses DUNE in this 12-minute radio interview.
From Astronomy, Feb. 22, 2018: The supernova, dubbed DES16C2nm, was first detected back in August 2016 by the Dark Energy Survey, which is currently mapping several hundred million galaxies in order to learn more about the mysterious force known as dark energy.
From Newsweek, Feb. 21, 2018: DES162nm was first spotted in August 2016 using the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. The investigations were part of an international collaboration known as the Dark Energy Survey—a project designed to map hundreds of millions of galaxies in a search for the mysterious force that is thought to be behind the accelerating expansion of the universe.
From Northern Public Radio, Feb. 13, 2018: The U.S. House has passed a measure Tuesday sponsored by a northern Illinois Congressman that increases funding at two federal labs in Illinois.
From Crain’s Chicago Business, Feb. 14, 2018: The U.S. House took a big step toward the next generation of research at Fermilab, authorizing a $1.8 billion project that would shoot subatomic particles from Fermilab’s facility to South Dakota.