New group accelerates Fermilab’s sustainability practices
Lab leadership formed a new team of specialists to provide institutional support for its grassroots sustainability efforts.
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Lab leadership formed a new team of specialists to provide institutional support for its grassroots sustainability efforts.
Catherine Hurley is here to help develop a vigorous sustainability program unique to Fermilab, and she’s open to suggestions and success stories.
The new building, named the Integrated Engineering Research Center, provides state-of-the-art lab space and will make research and development a more collaborative and centralized process at Fermilab.
Scientists working on the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment are developing a vertical drift detector. The new technology may open doors to building large neutrino detectors at a lower cost and in a simpler manner.
The international DUNE collaboration is conducting final tests of the components for its first neutrino detector module, to be installed a mile underground in South Dakota. Preparations for ramping up the mass production of these components are underway.
Representatives from science funding agencies from around the world will convene in Lead, South Dakota, the future home of the large particle detector for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
After years of running her own business, Holly Lett came to Fermilab to help its employees reach their highest career aspirations. Now, her team is revamping online-trainings and spearheading a new leadership class for Fermilab employees.
Claire Lee works for the US-CMS collaboration at CERN. When she’s not taking shifts in the CMS control room, ensuring the detectors are functioning properly and safely, she takes guests on tours and teaches them about the amazing particle physics investigated by the variety of experiments there.
Bishai and Bertolucci lead the 1,400-member collaboration of scientists and engineers of the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.
SAGE camp, a week-long summer program designed to educate and enlighten underrepresented students interested in STEM, becomes established at the lab.