Fermilab 2015 Photowalk: winning images
See the winners and honorable mentions of the 2015 Fermilab Photowalk.
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See the winners and honorable mentions of the 2015 Fermilab Photowalk.
Members of Fermilab’s Technical Division recently achieved a record-high quality factor with a fully dressed cavity for a SLAC-headed project, Linac Coherent Light Source II.
Not only are we made of fundamental particles, we also produce them and are constantly bombarded by them throughout the day.
The MicroBooNE collaboration announced that it has seen its first neutrinos in the experiment’s newly built detector.
What topic in particle physics are you destined to study? Take the quiz to find out!
A U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) environmental study has determined that building and operating the proposed Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will not have a significant impact on the environment.
These physics-themed jack-o’-lanterns come with extra brains.
The forthcoming Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will kidnap muons and trap them in aluminum atoms. But what exactly happens when you shoot a muon at an aluminum foil? While Mu2e is under construction, its scientists are already getting some valuable answers from a smaller accomplice: AlCap.
Symmetry sits down with Lindsay Olson as she wraps up a year of creating art inspired by particle physics.
Deep in the dense core of a black hole, protons and electrons are squeezed together to form neutrons, sending ghostly particles called neutrinos streaming out. Matter falls inward. In the textbook case, matter rebounds and erupts, leaving a neutron star. But sometimes, the supernova fails, and there’s no explosion; instead, a black hole is born. Scientists hope to use neutrino experiments to watch a black hole form.