
91 - 100 of 2563 results

Multiple mirrors magnify atom interferometry

    From Physics World, October 20, 2022: A new multiple-mirror imaging technique could greatly improve the performance of atom interferometers, making them more useful in applications ranging from dark matter detection to quality control in manufacturing. The technique was developed by researchers at SLAC and a possible use for this would be in the Matter-wave Atomic Gradiometer Interferometric Sensor, a 100-metre-long atom interferometer currently being installed at Fermilab.

    Rule-breaking particles pop up in experiments around the world

      From Scientific American, October 2022: For several decades after the invention of the Standard Model, several physics measurements suggest that novel particles and forces exist in the universe. This article was originally published and titled, “When Particles Break the Rules” and includes the combined results from the Fermilab g-2 experiment and the previous trial at Brookhaven that add up to a probability of less than 0.01 percent that this anomaly is a statistical fluke.

      New energy saving super magnet gets first test run

        From UK Research and Innovation, October 13, 2022: The Science and Technology Facilities Council has begun testing of Diamond Light Source for an energy-saving super-magnet for our next generation of particle accelerator. Designed by scientists and engineers at STFC, the zero power tuneable optics magnet (ZEPTO) is a permanent, tuneable magnet that consumes zero electrical power.

        Morse and Roberts win W.K.H. Panofsky Prize for Muon g-2 experiment

          From Brookhaven National Laboratory, October 11, 2022: Brookhaven National Lab announced yesterday that two of their scientists who led the “E821 g-2” experiment at BNL from 1990 through 2004 received the APS’s 2023 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics. William M. Morse and Bradley Lee Roberts received the honor for their leadership and technical ingenuity in achieving a measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment with a precision suitable to probe Standard Model.