Logran cartografiar una octava parte del cielo
From, El Dia, Jan. 9, 2019: El trabajo fue po astrofísicos del proyecto Dark Energy Survey, tras seis años de observación en los que acumularon información de más de 300 millones de galaxias lejanas.
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From, El Dia, Jan. 9, 2019: El trabajo fue po astrofísicos del proyecto Dark Energy Survey, tras seis años de observación en los que acumularon información de más de 300 millones de galaxias lejanas.
From insideHPC, Jan. 9, 2019: After scanning in depth about a quarter of the southern skies for six years and cataloging hundreds of millions of distant galaxies, the Dark Energy Survey finishes taking data on Jan. 9. The National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois will continue refining and serving this data for use by scientists into 2021.
From estrella digital, Jan. 9, 2019: Los astrofísicos que han participado en el proyecto Dark Energy Survey han finalizado hoy la toma de datos para cartografiar con un detalle sin precedentes una octava parte del cielo, tras seis años de trabajos en los que han acumulado datos de más de 300 millones de galaxias lejanas.
From Quanta, Jan. 9, 2019: Fermilab scientist Alex Drlica-Wagner comments on dark matter in this article on a paradoxical problem in astronomy: New surveys have allowed astronomers to find more satellite galaxies that had previously been hidden. At the same time, updated computer simulations predicted the existence of far fewer galaxies than their predecessors did.
For the first time, scientists have demonstrated that low-energy neutrinos can be thoroughly identified with a liquid-argon particle detector. The results, obtained with the ArgoNeuT experiment, are promising for experiments that use liquid argon to catch neutrinos, including the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
After scanning in depth about a quarter of the southern skies for six years and cataloguing hundreds of millions of distant galaxies, the Dark Energy Survey will finish taking data on Jan. 9. DES scientists recorded data from more than 300 million distant galaxies. More than 400 scientists from over 25 institutions around the world have been involved in the project, hosted by Fermilab. The collaboration has already produced about 200 academic papers, with more to come.
From CNN, Jan. 3, 2019: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln discusses NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft and Ultima Thule, a frigid, snowman-shaped block of ice located about 4 billion miles from the sun.
Fermilab has finalized an agreement with construction firm Kiewit-Alberici Joint Venture to start pre-excavation work for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, which will house the enormous particle detectors for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. The South Dakota portion of the facility will be built a mile beneath the surface at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota.
In a new series of exhibits in the Fermilab Art Gallery, the Fermilab Archives will feature influential works loaned by the private collection of a Fermilab scientist. It kicks off with the current exhibit, which features works from the 17th and 18th centuries. Each display, which will rotate approximately once a month, will consist of several volumes illustrating a common theme in the evolution of physics.
From the Associated Press, Dec. 19, 2018: Fermilab’s second director, Leon Lederman, appears in this “in memoriam” list for 2018.