The hunt for light dark matter September 15, 2017 dark matterdetector technologySENSEIFermilab feature The SENSEI project uses innovative technology to think small in the search for dark matter.
Contract awarded for LBNF preconstruction services September 13, 2017 Deep Underground Neutrino ExperimentDUNELBNFLong-Baseline Neutrino FacilitySanford LabSanford Underground Research FacilitySouth DakotaFermilab feature A new contractor has officially signed on to help prepare for the excavation and construction of the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
50th memories: The prairie professor who liked to mix his pop September 13, 2017 50th anniversaryecologyhistorypeopleprairieFermilab feature Dr. Betz was known, at Fermilab, for creating and overseeing the prairie planting project.
Neutral-pion production at MINERvA, or how to cope with cases of mistaken identity September 8, 2017 MINERvAneutrinoresultFermilab feature Neutral-pion production is a major character in a story of mistaken identity worthy of an Agatha Christie novel.
What can particles tell us about the cosmos? September 5, 2017 astrophysicsSymmetry feature The minuscule and the immense can reveal quite a bit about each other.
This month in Fermilab history: September September 1, 2017 50th anniversaryhistoryFermilab feature In past September months, lab employees moved to Weston, Colorado bison moved to Illinois, and Nigel Lockyer moved to the United States.
Mega-collaborations for scientific discovery August 24, 2017 ALICEATLASBelleCMScollaborationDUNELHCbSymmetry feature DUNE joins the elite club of physics collaborations with more than 1,000 members.
50th memories: Three short stories on Fermilab colors August 23, 2017 50th anniversaryarthistorymagnetsculptureFermilab feature We don’t mess around with paint color at Fermilab.
Mu2e’s magnet boot camp August 21, 2017 ItalymagnetMu2eFermilab feature A new cryogenic facility provides a place for superconducting magnet tests before the Mu2e detector is assembled.
Think FAST August 10, 2017 accelerator scienceaccelerator technologyFASTFermilab Accelerator Science and Technology FacilitySymmetry feature The new Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology facility at Fermilab looks to the future of accelerator science.