Javier Tiffenberg wins $2.5 million DOE award for research on pixelated detectors
The DOE Early Career Award will fund research and development for special technology to study the lightest and most elusive particles.
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The DOE Early Career Award will fund research and development for special technology to study the lightest and most elusive particles.
The UK physicist’s pioneering work in high-energy physics have earned him the prize, bestowed by the Institute of Physics.
The France Chicago Center program has been successful at Fermilab, where the organization has supported four collaborations with a total of almost $60,000.
The award is designed to bolster the nation’s scientific workforce by providing support to exceptional researchers during the crucial early years, when many scientists do their most formative work.
Bonventre receives the annual award for his “creative and resourceful contributions” to the Mu2e experiment.
Samuroff has studied images of the cosmos to create a catalog that scientists are using to improve their measurements of galaxies and galaxy clusters.
In April, the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics announced that Fermilab postdoctoral neutrino physicist Simone Marcocci had won the Bruno Rossi Prize for his Ph.D. thesis work.
The program provides supplemental awards to outstanding U.S. graduate students to pursue part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE laboratory or facility.
He receives the honor for fundamental contributions to the development of new techniques for the direct detection of dark matter.
IEEE recognizes the industrial innovations made possible by the design and construction of superconducting magnets for the Tevatron collider.