New results from Dark Energy Survey tell us how the universe ages
From Forbes, Aug. 29, 2017: Latest results from the five year long Dark Energy Survey puts the Standard Model of our universe under the most precise test yet.
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From Forbes, Aug. 29, 2017: Latest results from the five year long Dark Energy Survey puts the Standard Model of our universe under the most precise test yet.
From BBC News, Aug. 3, 2017: Dark Energy Survey researchers have released the most accurate map ever produced of the dark matter in our universe.
Dark Energy Survey scientists have unveiled the most accurate measurement ever made of the present large-scale structure of the universe, and their findings support the dark matter/dark energy model.
From Quanta, Aug. 3, 2017: Fermilab scientists Josh Frieman and Scott Dodelson talk about the latest major result from the Dark Energy Survey, which could signal the start of a new era of cosmology.
From the DOE Office of Science, June 21, 2017: Dark Energy Survey Director Josh Frieman appears in this Office of Science article, which surveys research projects that will help us better understand the phenomenon that is accelerating the universe’s expansion.
DeeDee, a potential new dwarf planet at the edge of our solar system, was discovered in one of DES’ many analyses of faraway galaxies.
From National Public Radio, Oct. 11, 2016: Scientists using the Dark Energy Camera have discovered a new dwarf planet at the far reaches of our solar system.
From Clarksville Online, Sept. 23, 2016: Earlier this summer, Austin Peay State University student Jacob Robertson, on a visit to Fermilab, took a look at a celestial object and realized it wasn’t just another star.
Astronomers around the world are looking for visible sources of gravitational waves.
From WDCB, March 22, 2016: Fermilab’s Brian Nord and Martin Murphy talk about the collision of art and science in this nine-minute radio interview.