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SLAC engineer Knut Skarpaas designs some of physics’ most challenging machines, finding inspiration in unexpected places.
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SLAC engineer Knut Skarpaas designs some of physics’ most challenging machines, finding inspiration in unexpected places.
For Dark Matter Day, scientist and Star Wars fan Dan McKinsey talks dark matter and the Force.
From SpaceRip, Oct. 27, 2017: In this 7-minute video featuring photography and animated simulations of outer space, Dark Energy Survey Director Josh Frieman talks about DES and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and how these surveys will help us understand dark energy.
From The Conversation, Oct. 25, 2017: Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper describes the mystery of dark matter and how scientists are working to solve the puzzle.
The world will soon be celebrating the hunt for the universe’s most elusive matter in a series of Dark Matter Day events planned in over a dozen countries.
Instead of searching for dark matter particles, a new device will search for dark matter waves.
The SENSEI project uses innovative technology to think small in the search for dark matter.
From Nature, Sept. 5, 2017: Maps of the cosmic microwave background have become iconic representations of the early universe. But when the Dark Energy Survey collaboration unveiled the analysis of their first year of data last month, many felt that a new era had started.
From Forbes, Aug. 29, 2017: Latest results from the five year long Dark Energy Survey puts the Standard Model of our universe under the most precise test yet.
At a recent meeting, scientists shared ideas for searching for dark matter on the (relative) cheap.