dark matter

11 - 20 of 227 results

The hunt for dark matter

    From the The Globe and Mail (Canada), Aug. 5, 2023: Scientists and researchers at SNOLAB are assembling a new experiment known as the Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search to help solve the mystery of, what is the dark of dark matter? Fermilab associate scientist, Daniel Baxter who worked at the SNOLAB facility two kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface, weighs in.

    Study demonstrates a new method to search for meV dark photons

      From Phys.org, Jan. 25, 2023: Researchers at Fermilab, Northwestern University and Stanford University recently demonstrated an entirely new method for searching for meV dark matter. The group is testing a hypothesis that when the rest energy of a dark photon matches the energy splitting of the two lowest cyclotron levels, the first state of the electron cyclotron will be excited.