
From Jornal Da Unicamp, Feb. 18, 2021: Fermilab’s Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is the largest study ever done on the subject in the world and will investigate the structure of the matter and provide answers on important issues related to the formation of the universe. DUNE has the participation of researchers from more than 100 countries, with Brazil as one of the signatories.

From Nature, Feb. 17, 2021: Fermilab guest composer David Ibbett writes about his latest piece, Neutrino Music, and how bringing artists and scientists together on the stage can help them to communicate the complex beauty of our world in a language that everyone can understand and appreciate.

Missing visits to the museum? Or in need of some home-school activities? Check out these five do-it-yourself physics demos from Ketevan Akhobadze, an exhibit developer for the Lederman Science Center at Fermilab.

From UKRI, Feb. 22, 2021: UKRI scientists are developing vital software to exploit the large data sets collected by the next-generation experiments in high-energy physics. The new software will have the capability to crunch the masses of data that the LHC at CERN and next-generation neutrino experiments, such as the Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, will produce this decade.

Engineers and technicians in the UK have started production of key piece of equipment for a major international science experiment. The UK government has invested $89 million in the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. As part of the investment, the UK is delivering a series of vital detector components built at the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s Daresbury Laboratory.

Over his nearly five decades at Fermilab, Ron Davis has done a little bit of everything as an operations supervisor working on the lab’s neutrino experiments. As someone who loves to work with his hands, he puts his talents to use for particle physics and, when he’s not at work, on his automobiles and motorcycles.

From Yale University, Jan. 22, 2021: For his new piece of music, “MicroBooNE,” David Ibbett, Fermilab’s first composer-in-residence, collaborated with physics professor Bonnie Fleming through a series of discussions about the science behind the experiment that inspired the composition. The neutrino-inspired piece premiered on Dec. 8, 2020, as part of the Fermilab Arts and Lectures Series.

From Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Jan. 26, 2021: The COHERENT particle physics experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has firmly established the existence of a new kind of neutrino interaction. To observe this interaction, scientists used CENNS-10, a liquid argon detector built at and on loan from Fermilab.