
141 - 150 of 275 results

Tenacious persistence

Fermilab’s Liz Sexton-Kennedy talks to Symmetry about her lifelong drive to learn and how it led to her current role as chief information officer for Fermilab. Jim Daley spoke to Sexton-Kennedy about her experiences in STEM, her career at Fermilab and a bit about herself.

The farmer physicist

    If you want to visit the Pasner family farm, you’ll need a truck with four-wheel drive. You’ll need to traverse 4 miles of bumpy dirt road deep into the countryside of Penn Valley, California. But once you arrive, you’ll be greeted by fields of organic onions and garlic, nestled between rolling grassy hills speckled with oak trees. For physicist Jake Pasner, this will always be home.

    Estia Eichten wins 2018 Humboldt Award

    The Humboldt Foundation invites awardees to undertake prolonged periods of research in collaboration with scientists in Germany and to promote scientific cooperation between research institutions in both Germany and their home country. During his upcoming visit, Eichten intends to continue to study the systematics of systems involving heavy quarks.

    Pushpa Bhat elected to AAAS Council

    Fermilab scientist Pushpa Bhat was recently elected to the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest scientific society, as a representative for the Section on Physics. Her three-year term begins on Feb. 18. The AAAS Council establishes general policies for the association and reviews all of its programs.

    Program offers students a refuge in STEM

      REFUGES, started by physicist Tino Nyawelo, aims to give refugees and other underrepresented groups the tools to succeed in STEM. Although the program is focused on increasing diversity in STEM disciplines, the overall goal is to address the academic and cultural difficulties that refugee youth face in Utah.

      Top quark couture

      The mentorship of a scientist on the CMS experiment meant everything to Evan Coleman, a former physics undergraduate at Brown University. What do you give a physicist who helped discover a fundamental particle and jump-started your science career? Something individual, artistic and science-themed.