New leaders from Fermilab appointed for Dark Energy Survey
Rich Kron and Tom Diehl will lead the sky survey through the close of observations and into an era of full-data analysis.
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Rich Kron and Tom Diehl will lead the sky survey through the close of observations and into an era of full-data analysis.
From The Story Collider, Aug. 24, 2018: Fermilab scientist Herman White tells the story about leaving his hometown of Tuskegee to pursue physics. His Alabama roots help him make a surprising connection later in his career.
From STFC, Aug. 15, 2018: STFC has appointed Dave Newbold of the University of Bristol, who has been leading the data acquisition design for DUNE, as new director of its Particle Physics Department.
From UQ News, Aug. 1, 2018: A scientist from the Dark Energy Survey, which is hosted by Fermilab, is selected for the television program Australian Survivor.
From Story Collider, July 27, 2018: Fermilab engineering physicist Cindy Joe is featured in this podcast. She talks about how, as a first-generation college student, she grew up dreaming big in the back of her family’s Chinese restaurant in a small town in Arkansas.
Growing up on the Crow reservation in Montana inspired JoRee LaFrance to pursue a career in hydrology.
From Brown University, July 18, 2018: Meenakshi Narain will lead the collaboration board for U.S. institutions participating in the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Fermilab is the U.S. center for research at CMS.
Fermilab’s Lia Merminga talks to Symmetry about her early experiences in STEM and her drive to solve science’s unanswered questions.
From Daily Herald, July 10, 2018: There is a patch of suburbia where World Cup excitement is accelerating and loyalties are about to collide: Fermilab, our government’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory in Batavia.