The quantum eraser experiment is one of the weirdest phenomena that has ever been observed. It seems that quantum mechanics mixes past and future together. In this video, Fermilab’s Don Lincoln takes you through this quantum conundrum.

A woman with long brown hair holds three tricolor beach balls. To the left of her text that reads "neutrino oscillation."

Things get weird at the smallest scales — just take a look at the way neutrinos behave as they travel. In this episode, we’ll explore the phenomenon of neutrino oscillation through something a bit easier to grasp: beach balls. Join neutrino physicist Kirsty Duffy for some delightful quantum chaos.

A man with gray hair, glasses and a black blazer smiles. To the right of him, the question "Is light a wave or a particle?"

Quantum mechanics is one of the most confusing fields of contemporary physics. Fermilab’s Don Lincoln introduces the big ideas and prepares the viewer for a follow-on video that is even more mind-blowing.

Quantum information science is a key area of research at the DOE’s national labs. Scientists and engineers are working to develop quantum sensors and computers as well as quantum internet. Silvia Zorzetti talks about research at Fermilab’s SQMS Center.

A particle beam is a very useful tool. It can diagnose a disease, destroy a tumor, improve a chip, clean up dirty drinking water, scan containers for suspicious content and do much more. Fermilab’s Sam Posen talks about accelerator research at Fermilab, a world leader in particle accelerator science and technology.

Fermilab scientist Kirsty Duffy responds to some of the many wonderful questions viewers have left in the comments, including: Were neutrinos made in the early universe? How do you know you’re seeing neutrinos from your accelerator? And can neutrinos pass through a neutron star? Plus, a guest visit from fellow Fermilab science communicator Don Lincoln.

Dark matter remains one of the unsolved mysteries of modern physics. In this video, Fermilab’s Don Lincoln explains two innovative methods whereby Fermilab scientists look for types of dark matter the broader community largely overlooks.

Throw on your shades: Today on #EvenBananas, we’re looking at particles from the sun — and how trillions of them went missing. Join Fermilab scientist Kirsty Duffy to explore how an experiment using 100,000 gallons of dry cleaning fluid a mile underground led to one of the biggest mysteries in particle physics: the solar neutrino problem.