Large Hadron Collider

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Boston University physicist Tulika Bose explains why there’s more than one large, general-purpose particle detector at the Large Hadron Collider.

From Inverse, March 9, 2017: In the latest issue of the Justice League-Power Rangers crossover comic, superheroes gather at the mouth of what seems to be the LHC to discuss how to use it to jump across universes. A Vanderbilt University scientist and others believe LHC collisions could produce the Higgs singlet, which had the power to travel back and forth in time.

From Nature, Aug. 19, 2016: The next steps for particle physics now seem less certain, as discussions at the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) suggest. Much hinges on whether the LHC unearths phenomena that fall outside the standard model of particle physics and whether China’s plans to build an LHC successor move forward.