Changing the game
Willie Rockward applied to college with pro football dreams, but a physics scholarship set him on a different path.
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Willie Rockward applied to college with pro football dreams, but a physics scholarship set him on a different path.
From Live Science, Aug. 28, 2018: Fermilab and CMS scientist Don Lincoln explains the latest exciting result from the Large Hadron Collider: ATLAS and CMS’s first unambiguous observation of Higgs bosons decaying into a matter-antimatter pair of bottom quarks. Surprisingly, the Higgs bosons decay most often in this way.
For the next two years, the Fermilab physicist will help lead the CMS experiment to push the boundaries of what is possible with the giant particle detector.
From GeekWire, Aug. 28, 2018: It took several years for ATLAS and CMS researchers to nail down the evidence of the Higgs decay into two b quarks to a standard significance of 5-sigma. Researchers had to sift through billions of data points from two collider runs to boost their confidence sufficiently.
From CNN, Aug. 25, 2018: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln explains the recent buzzworthy solution to the famous spaghetti mystery posed by Richard Feynman.
Rich Kron and Tom Diehl will lead the sky survey through the close of observations and into an era of full-data analysis.
From The Story Collider, Aug. 24, 2018: Fermilab scientist Herman White tells the story about leaving his hometown of Tuskegee to pursue physics. His Alabama roots help him make a surprising connection later in his career.
Scientists now know the fate of the vast majority of all Higgs bosons produced in the LHC.
From Michigan State University, Aug. 22, 2018: DUNE scientist Kendall Mahn of Michigan State University is featured in this article on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, which recently published its Interim Design Report.
IOTA, the new test accelerator, gives researchers rich and varied opportunities to dive deep into the physics of particle beams.