In the news

From HPCWire, May 7, 2019: Fermilab scientist Andreas Kronfeld is quoted in this article that follows up on Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s announcement of plans to build the $600 million, 1.5 exaflops Frontier supercomputer.

From DOE’s Direct Current podcast, May 7, 2019: This episode of Direct Current takes a subatomic sojourn into the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, a massive international research project aiming to unlock the secrets of the neutrino with help from more than 175 institutions in over 30 countries. Join Fermilab’s Chris Mossey, Bonnie Fleming and Lia Merminga and DUNE collaborator Christos Touramanis on a tour from Fermilab to CERN to the bottom of a former gold mine a mile beneath the hills of South Dakota.

From Listverse, May 3, 2019: The Dark Energy Camera made this list of 10 brilliant feats of scientific technology, along with LIGO, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Large Hadron Collider.

From Agência FAPESP, May 1, 2019: Na última década foi iniciada, em diferentes países da América Latina, a operação de grandes infraestruturas de pesquisa, como o maior observatório de raios cósmicos do mundo, o Pierre Auger, na Argentina, e o Observatório Cherenkov de Água de Alta Altitude, no México. Nos próximos anos, devem ser concluídas as obras do Sirius – a nova fonte brasileira de luz síncrotron – e do Laboratório Argentino de Feixes de Nêutrons.

From EarthSky, May 2, 2019: University of Chicago physicists and a former Fermilab scientist have laid out an innovative method – using the Higgs boson – for stalking dark matter. He said the Higgs might actually be “a portal to the dark world.”

From APS’s Physics, May 1, 2019: The Dark Energy Survey has combined its analysis of four cosmological observables to constrain the properties of dark energy—paving the way for cosmological surveys that will run in the next decade.