Each of our bodies is proof of Einstein’s equation
From Big think, April 18, 2023: Don Lincoln discusses two properties that define matter, size and mass, and Einstein’s equation that tells us that mass and energy are equivalent.
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From Big think, April 18, 2023: Don Lincoln discusses two properties that define matter, size and mass, and Einstein’s equation that tells us that mass and energy are equivalent.
From the Daily Herald, April 14, 2023: On April 13, Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk helped celebrate the opening of the IERC building and the new Proton Improvement Plan-II cryoplant building, saying he was excited about the experiments the PIP-II facilities will enable, including the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
From the Daily Herald, April 13, 2023: Yesterday, Fermilab celebrated the opening of the Integrated Engineering Research Center, the ribbon-cutting of the Proton Improvement Plan-II cryoplant building and the groundbreaking for the PIP-II accelerator. Joined by DOE officials, international dignitaries, Gov. Pritzker, Illinois Congressmen and local officials, Fermilab’s director Lia Merminga proudly remarked, with these new research facilities, Fermilab will be universally acknowledged as the world leader in neutrino science for years to come.
From Physics World, April 13, 2023: In recognition of World Quantum Day today, Physics World speaks with Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino, director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center. In this podcast, Grassellino explains how SQMS brings together people with a broad range of expertise to create new quantum technologies and how quantum sensors can be used to look for physics beyond the Standard Model.
From the DOE Office of Science: Register today for the April 14 webinar celebrating World Quantum Day with the Office of Science. Learn about the broad range of User Facilities that work in quantum and hear from researchers currently using quantum test beds, X-ray light sources and Nanoscale Science Research Centers -in addition to other facilities- for their work.
From New Scientist: Join Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln on April 4 for a presentation on Fermilab: Solving the Mysteries of Matter and Energy, Space and Time. Here he will explain how America’s flagship particle physics facility has taught us so much about our universe and how it works. Pre-registration is required.
From Big Think, March 24, 2023: CERN’s ForwArd Search ExpeRiment detector proved to be the an ideal detector in searching for extremely high-energy neutrinos. Recently, CERN scientists and researchers used this data to better understand high-energy neutrinos from space. With this new knowledge, astronomers can better understand what happens when neutron stars collide and some of the most spectacular and rarest of cosmic phenomena.
From Bioengineer.org, March 21, 2023: Congratulations to Mary Bishai, distinguished scientist from Brookhaven National Laboratory, who has been elected co-spokesperson of the international project DUNE. Bishai began working on DUNE in 2012 and will lead DUNE’s 1,400-member international collaboration alongside Sergio Bertolucci, a physics professor at the University of Bologna.
From APS News, March 16, 2023: The much anticipated P5 report will be out later this year. In the meantime, the 30-members of the P5 panel are gathering information at town hall meetings this summer. This input will be added to the new information gathered at Snowmass 2022 for the first time that includes more early career researcher involvement and improved conversations about equity and inclusion.
From Scientific American, March 16, 2023: Big news about a smaller size: MINERvA researchers used a new and entirely independent method to measure a proton’s radius. The team’s measurement of the proton’s radius was 0.73 femtometer, even smaller than the 0.84-femtometer electric charge radius. In either case, it is almost 10,000 times smaller than a hydrogen atom.