In the news

From reposting of the El Confidental, August 28, 2022: New data from the James Webb Space Telescope shows inconsistencies between the observed galaxies and the current theory explaining the origin of the universe. Fermilab’s Don Lincoln provides some explanations before questioning astrophysics as we have come to know it.

From Coast to Coast with George Noory, August 17, 2022: Fermilab’s senior scientist Don Lincoln talks about his time working on the Tevatron at Fermilab and the LHC at CERN. Listen to find out more about the restart of the LHC and the big mysteries in astronomy regarding dark matter and how galaxies defy physics.

From Advanced Science News, August 19, 2022: A team of researchers led by Fermilab’s Jonathan Jarvis have successfully demonstrated optical stochastic cooling. This improved technique will increase the achievable cooling rate by up to four orders of magnitude and ultimately allowing physicists to spend more time collecting experimental data.

From Science News, August 17, 2022: Emily Conover explains the “intrinsic” charm of protons. A new analysis of experimental results and theoretical calculations in Nature hopes to unveil a better understanding of one of the most important particles in the universe.

From Science News, August 15, 2022: W bosons are particles that transmit the weak force, which is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay. Last April, Fermilab researchers reported the W boson was more massive than predicted, hinting that something may be amiss with the standard model. Now a team of scientists with ATLAS at the LHC are reporting rare boson triplets which continues to test the standard model for any cracks.

From Big Think, August 13, 2022: After decades of research, astronomers cannot explain how and why galaxies exist. Fermilab’s Don Lincoln discusses the hypothesis of dark matter as the undiscovered form of matter to explain this galactic mystery.

From Techfragments, August 12, 2022: Jonathan Jarvis led a team of researchers who used the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator at Fermilab to demonstrate and explore a new kind of beam cooling technology. “Cooling” a beam reduces the random motion of the particles making the beam narrower and denser. Physicists could potentially use this new method to explore rare physics phenomena that help us understand our universe.

From Nature, Aug. 10, 2022: Scientists have successfully used a new technique at Fermilab’s Integrable Optics Test Accelerator
to cool a particle beam and make it denser. The new method may enable future experiments to create more particle collisions.