
From World Nuclear News, April 17, 2018: Energy Secretary Rick Perry and India’s Atomic Energy Secretary Sekhar Basu signed an agreement in New Delhi that opens the way to jointly advancing cutting-edge neutrino science projects under way in both countries, LBNF/DUNE

From NEI Magazine, April 19, 2018: India and the United States have signed an agreement enabling their scientists to collaborate on the development and construction of different types of neutrino detectors, including for LBNF/DUNE.

From Argonne National Laboratory, April 19, 2018: Scientists from Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, along with collaborators from over 25 other institutions, are recreating a previous experiment with much higher precision.

From Astronomy Now, April 10, 2018: Researchers at the University of California at Berkeleysuccessfully adapted superconducting quantum interference devices, or SQUIDs, for use in the Axion Dark Matter Experiment at University of Washington. Fermilab is a collaborating institution on ADMX.

From APS’s Physics, April 9, 2018: Thanks to unprecedented detection sensitivity, ADMX, of which Fermilab is a collaborating member, has been able to probe, for the first time, the parameter space favored by both of the two most popular axion dark matter models.