
811 - 820 of 2563 results

Robert Ainsworth awarded $2.5 million to improve particle beams for high-intensity experiments

Fermilab scientist Robert Ainsworth has won a $2.5 million Department of Energy Early Career Research Award to study different ways of ensuring stability in high-intensity proton beams. By studying how certain types of beam instabilities emerge and evolve under different conditions, his team can help sharpen scientists’ methods for correcting them or avoiding them to begin with.

Department of Energy rolls out plan for a super-secure quantum internet

    From Gizmodo, July 23, 2020: On July 23, the Department of Energy rolled out a blueprint for full-on quantum internet that could be up and running within the coming decade. The backbone of this new internet system will be based across the 17 different DOE laboratories housed across the country. Funding, meanwhile, will come off the back of the more than $1 billion the president agreed to pump into the country’s quantum research when the National Quantum Initiative Act was signed in late 2018.

    U.S. Department of Energy announces quantum internet plan in Chicago

      From, July 23, 2020: At a press event on July 23, DOE unveiled a blueprint strategy for the development of a national quantum internet infrastructure. Argonne and the University of Chicago entangled photons across a 52-mile “quantum loop” in the Chicago suburbs. That network will soon be connected to Fermilab, establishing a three-node, 80-mile test bed.

      Why Chicago is central to developing a game-changing ‘quantum internet’

        From WGN9, July 23, 2020: The future of the internet is being designed right here in Chicago, as some of the top scientists in the world unveiled their plans to research and build a “quantum internet” on July 23. Fermilab, Argonne, University of Chicago, Northwestern, and University of Illinois have already laid some of the groundwork.

        DOE unveils blueprint for ‘unhackable’ quantum internet: central roles for Argonne, University of Chicago, Fermilab

          From Inside HPC, July 23, 2020: The Department of Energy unveiled on July 23 a strategy for the development of a national quantum internet intended to bring “the United States to the forefront of the global quantum race and usher in a new era of communications.” Earlier this year, Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago entangled photons across a 52-mile “quantum loop” in the Chicago suburbs, “successfully establishing one of the longest land-based quantum networks in the nation,” according to DOE. That network will be connected to Fermilab, establishing a three-node, 80-mile test bed.

          ‘Truss’le and bustle

            From Black Hills Pioneer, July 22, 2020: Since late 2019, work has been underway on the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility conveyor system at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota. The system will carry more than 800,000 tons of rock excavated from the site of the international, Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment 4,850-feet below the surface. A major milestone for the project was met on July 20 as the 120-foot section of the truss, which will house the conveyor, was erected above the highway.