Neutrino detector on the move December 1, 2022 detectorDUNEneutrinoSBNDFermilab feature A new 20,000-pound particle detection system built for a neutrino experiment will be transported 3 miles across the Fermilab campus today. About the size of a small house, it will be the heart of the Short-Baseline Near Detector at Fermilab.
Fermilab and collaborators lead work on quantum gravity tests November 30, 2022 emerging technologiesquantumFermilab feature A team of physicists from Caltech, Harvard, Fermilab, MIT and Google present results in the Dec. 1 issue of Nature on a pair of quantum systems that exhibit the behavior of a traversable wormhole.
Swiss state secretary for education, research and innovation visits Fermilab November 18, 2022 detectorDUNEtourVIPFermilab feature While many components of the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment are being developed, international collaborators such as Switzerland are making valuable contributions. Recently, the Swiss state secretary visited Fermilab to discuss DUNE and other joint areas of science research.
Madagascar’s path to neutrino physics November 16, 2022 DUNELBNFLBNF/DUNEMINERvAresearchSymmetry feature Laza Rakotondravohitra was the first Malagasy grad student to conduct research in neutrino physics. He and others are working to ensure he will be far from the last.
Access to University of Chicago’s Pritzker Nanofabrication Facility enables quantum research November 9, 2022 quantumqubitsSQMSSQMS CenterUniversity of ChicagoFermilab feature SQMS Center researchers have fabricated quantum devices to evaluate the effect of different materials on qubit performance, thanks to proximity to the Pritzker Nanofabrication Facility.
SBND scientists complete assembly of large neutrino detection system November 7, 2022 detectorneutrinoSBNSBNDShort-Baseline Near DetectorShort-Baseline Neutrino programUNICAMPFermilab feature An international group of scientists has finished the assembly of the large neutrino detection system for the Short-Baseline Near Detector at Fermilab.
Fermilab receives Inflation Reduction Act funding November 4, 2022 DOEDOE national laboratoryfundingresearchPress release The U.S. Department of Energy allocated funds to its 17 national laboratories from the Inflation Reduction Act to mitigate the rise of project costs as a result of inflation. Fermilab will spend the funding on the lab’s on-going construction projects. This will allow the lab’s major projects to uphold their schedules and keep their commitment to international collaborators.
15 photos celebrating Fermilab’s storied bison November 4, 2022 bisonNational Bison DayFermilab feature National Bison Day is Nov. 5. To mark the occasion, here’s a look at the lab’s herd over the years.
Gina Rameika named the new associate director for high-energy physics at DOE November 3, 2022 DOEDUNEhigh-energy physicsOffice of SciencepeopleFermilab feature The Fermilab Distinguished Scientist and DUNE collaboration co-spokesperson will be the next associate director for the DOE’s Office of High Energy Physics.
A minute with Sajid Ali Syed, computational science and AI research associate November 2, 2022 acceleratorcomputingpeopleFermilab feature Always looking for a new trail to ride his bike on or an opportunity to catch a live show in town, Sajid Ali Syed is a research associate in the Computational Science and AI Directorate for high-energy physics applications at Fermilab.