Two Fermilab scientists selected as 2023 APS fellows October 27, 2023 American Physical SocietyAPSawardfellowFermilab feature Chandrashekhara Bhat and Robert Zwaska named APS fellows by the Division of Physics of Beams for their contributions to high-energy physics.
New map of space precisely measures nearly 400,000 nearby galaxies October 27, 2023 astrophysicsdark mattergalaxiesgravitational wavesSiena Galaxy AtlasSymmetry feature The Siena Galaxy Atlas will be a tool for research into how galaxies form and evolve, gravitational waves, dark matter and the structure of our universe.
Eric Mieland, Fermilab Natural Areas win DOE Sustainability Awards October 25, 2023 awardDOEsustainabilityFermilab feature The U.S. Department of Energy recognizes Fermilab employee and key partner for improving sustainability at Fermilab.
Spacetime: All the universe’s a stage October 17, 2023 gravitational wavespacetimespecial relativitySymmetry feature In the 1900s, Albert Einstein unified the concepts of space and time, giving us a useful new way to picture the universe.
Fermilab receives DOE funding to further develop nationwide quantum network October 16, 2023 emerging technologiesfundingquantumquantum computingquantum networkFermilab featurePress release DOE awarded Fermilab $9 million to further develop technology for national-scale quantum networks to improve the transmission of information as part of the Advanced Quantum Network for Scientific Discovery project.
Fermilab to welcome 8 DOE Graduate Student Research Awardees this fall October 10, 2023 awardDOEFermilab feature Seven students have received the prestigious U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award to conduct their research at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
DOE Project Leadership Institute award returns to Fermilab October 4, 2023 awardleadershipFermilab feature Once again, a Fermilab employee is part of the winning team in the DOE’s leadership program.
High school student working with Fermilab scientist publishes research October 2, 2023 quantum computingSaturday Morning PhysicsFermilab feature Avi Vadali started researching at Fermilab for class credit his senior year of high school. Now that work is being published in a journal article.
Listening to the radio on the far side of the moon September 26, 2023 CMBDark AgesmoonradioSymmetry feature LuSEE-Night will demonstrate whether an experiment to search for ancient radio signals can survive the moon’s unforgiving environment.
Tending to a giant September 25, 2023 CERNLHCSymmetry feature In a race against the clock, CERN engineers and technicians pulled together to find and fix a leak inside the Large Hadron Collider.