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Truck with a long platform transporting a large curved apparatus drives in front of a tall building; international flags are visible on the left

Ten ways Fermilab advanced science and technology in 2024

In 2024, Fermilab made significant scientific progress, including advancing preparations for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and conducting groundbreaking quantum research. The laboratory also continued its strong international collaborations — including involvement with the CMS experiment at CERN — and made strides in developing emerging technologies with wide applications beyond physics.

The dream machine

    An accelerator known as a muon collider could revolutionize particle physics—if it can be built. The December 2023 P5 report calls for R&D on a muon collider, stating, “This is our muon shot.” A muon collider could fit on the campus of Fermilab, enabling the U.S. to reclaim the lead in the continuing competition for the highest energy collider.

    Top 7 innovation stories of 2023 — Interesting Engineering

      Interesting Engineering lists the top seven amazing innovations that pushed the boundaries of science and technology in 2023. Included in this line up is the latest announcement from the Muon g-2 collaboration with more evidence of a new force of nature that could revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

      Scientists say: muon

        Fermilab research and announcements have helped promote the mystery of muons by studying how they wobble as they move through the magnetic ring. With science announcements in 2021 and 2023, science interested readers are wanting to learn more about the heavy cousins of electrons that are constantly raining down on Earth’s surface.