Hints of a ‘sterile’ neutrino
From Cosmos, Nov. 28, 2018: MiniBooNE researchers have published a paper in the journal Physical Review Letters, reporting a possible trace of a fourth neutrino, an addition to the three of the Standard Model.
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From Cosmos, Nov. 28, 2018: MiniBooNE researchers have published a paper in the journal Physical Review Letters, reporting a possible trace of a fourth neutrino, an addition to the three of the Standard Model.
From Seeker, Nov. 26, 2018: This 5-minute video discusses DUNE along with other neutrino experiments.
How do you calibrate a probe that is sealed inside a giant liquid-argon neutrino detector?
From Spektrum, Nov. 2, 2018: Maschinelles Lernen hat bereits bei der Entdeckung des Higgs einen wesentlichen Beitrag geleistet. Teilchenphysiker setzen Verfahren aus diesem Bereich schon seit Jahrzehnten ein. Doch nun erwarten Experten durch lernende Software eine Revolution bei der Datenanalyse.
From The Momentum, Nov. 5, 2018: Lengthy article on DUNE from Thai media.
From CERN Courier, Oct. 29, 2018: The world’s largest liquid-argon neutrino detector has recorded its first particle tracks in tests at CERN, marking an important step towards the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment under preparation in the United States.
From Black Hills Pioneer, Oct. 26, 2018: The new building will serve as housing for equipment that is currently located at the Ross complex, which will need to be moved in order to make room for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment construction planned in the coming years.
From Colorado State University, Oct. 25, 2018: Colorado State University contributes detectors to the ProtoDUNE detector at CERN.
From Live Science, Oct. 24, 2018: There are many huge unanswered questions in science, but it’s hard to beat “Why is there something, instead of nothing?” Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln explains how the study of neutrinos could answer it.
We already know neutrinos break the mold of the Standard Model. The question is: By how much?