
CERN deepens its collaboration with the US-based neutrino experiment with the provision of two enormous stainless-steel vessels for DUNE’s cutting-edge liquid-argon detectors.

From Queen Mary University of London, April 26, 2021: Fermilab scientist Dr. Kirsty Duffy was awarded the Ernest Rutherford Fellowship from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to establish a new research group working on MicroBooNE at Queen Mary University of London. Duffy will continue to host the Even Bananas video series which explores neutrinos until the end of the year.

Scientist and 2021 URA Early Career Award winner stands at a chalkboard working on equations.

Fermilab’s Pedro Machado has won the 2021 Universities Research Association Early Career Award for his theoretical work on neutrino science that helps experimentalists with novel search strategies and scientific questions worth exploring.

From Science News Online, August 5, 2021: Science writer Emily Conover explores the fascinating world of neutrino detectors that make the invisible world of particles visible. Read more about how neutrino detectors have evolved with insights Fermilab’s Jennifer Raaf and Sam Zeller.

Two crew members stand with the drill underground.

Construction crews will excavate around 800,000 tons of rock to make space for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. But first, teams must carve out a quarter-mile-high ventilation shaft.

From Sanford Lab, July 2021: Explore all the Neutrino Day events July 9-10 to talk with scientists, participate in interactive activities, experience weird science demonstrations, take virtual tours of the underground, and visit the art gallery and library—all in real time! Use the free and simple platform,, to virtually go to Neutrino Day town where you can enjoy the events and interact with others as you would in real life.

From the Black Hills Pioneer, June 20, 2021: The former Homestake Gold Mine was the largest and deepest in the western hemisphere and today it is the largest science project attempted on U.S. soil. The LBNF/DUNE includes a collaboration of more than 1,300 scientists from 32 countries. Read more about the significant impacts LBNF/DUNE is having on South Dakota.

An illustration. I person stands inside a giant, hollow gold cube and sends a signal using a device to another device on the left side of the screen that is close up and held in a hand. The close-up device says "counting" and has some numbers. In the bottom right-hand corner, it says LBNF/DUNE.

When studying mysterious subatomic particles, researchers at SURF in South Dakota use a different kind of particle detector, particle counters, to prevent run-of-the-mill dust particles from creating background noise and obscuring results.