From, March 19, 2021: Physicists from the TOTEM (TOTal cross section, Elastic scattering and diffraction dissociation Measurement) Collaboration at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the DØ Collaboration at Fermilab have found strong new evidence for the odderon, an elusive three-gluon state predicted almost five decades ago.
quantum chromodynamics
From CERN, March 16, 2021: The collaboration of TOTEM researchers at CERN and DØ researchers at Fermilab have discovered the oddereon – an elusive three-gluon state predicted almost 50 years ago.
From Quanta Magazine, May 6, 2020: Two ways of approximating the ultracomplicated math that governs quark particles have recently come into conflict, leaving physicists unsure what their decades-old theory predicts. Fermilab scientists Andreas Kronfeld and Chris Polly weigh in.
From Exascale Computing Project, May 28, 2019: Fermilab scientist Andreas Kronfeld is featured in this piece on the Excascale Computing Project, quantum chromodynamics and lattice QCD. Kronfeld, the principal investigator of ECP’s LatticeQCD project, explains how exascale computing will be essential to extending the work of precision calculations in particle physics to nuclear physics. The calculations are central for interpreting all experiments in particle physics and nuclear physics.
Physicists and computer scientists at the Department of Energy’s Fermilab can stake a larger claim on the future of high-energy physics-and on the next generation of computing-thanks to their part in the first-ever awards in DOE’s Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Program (SciDAC), announced today (August 14) in Washington, D.C. by Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham.