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News highlights featuring Fermilab

1011 - 1020 of 1519 results

CERN’s ambitious plan to build the largest particle smasher ever

    From Seeker, May 30, 2019: The LHC is the world’s largest particle collider, but has it hit its limit? This 13-minute video discusses how an international community of physicists are calling for a new CERN discovery machine that can reach even higher collision energies and potentially unlock the biggest mysteries of our universe.

    Excavating for science in former gold mine

      From Construction Equipment Guide, May 15, 2019: Fermilab’s Chris Mossey and Doug Pelletier talk about the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, and the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, much of which will be built in the extensive maze of caverns at the former Homestake gold mine in South Dakota’s beautiful Black Hills. The site is being transformed into a laboratory designed to unlock the mysteries of some of the smallest particles in the universe, neutrinos.

      What does a particle collider sound like?

        From Gizmodo, May 15, 2019: Fermilab scientist David Harding talks to Gizmodo about a particle accelerator’s sonic environment. You can’t hear subatomic particles colliding inside the experiment. But the world’s largest science experiments certainly make a lot of mechanical commotion.

        Malaysian joint efforts to tackle global challenges

          From Labmate, May 4, 2019: Researchers at the UK’s Scientific Technology Facilities Council are collaborating with Malaysian academics on projects that will both develop scientific capabilities and the research potential of Malaysian science in helping to discover new answers to some major scientific challenges. The projects include the Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.