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News highlights featuring Fermilab

211 - 220 of 1518 results

World’s most powerful X-ray free electron laser soon online

    From Interesting Engineering, Aug. 9, 2023: For more than a decade, SLAC has been preparing to power the world’s most powerful X-ray free electron laser by getting electrons to fly through a new superconducting accelerator called the Linac Coherent Light Source II. Fermilab is one of the four national labs to contribute to the engineering of this powerful superconducting X-ray machine.

    The hunt for dark matter

      From the The Globe and Mail (Canada), Aug. 5, 2023: Scientists and researchers at SNOLAB are assembling a new experiment known as the Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search to help solve the mystery of, what is the dark of dark matter? Fermilab associate scientist, Daniel Baxter who worked at the SNOLAB facility two kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface, weighs in.

      Designing detector for DUNE

        From Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, July 25, 2023: PNNL scientists and a team of university and national laboratory collaborators recently published a paper detailing a new detector design that can be fine-tuned to increase sensitivity to physics beyond the original DUNE concept.

        Designing detectors for DUNE

          From PNNL, July 25, 2023: PNNL researchers and a team of university and national laboratory collaborators recently published a paper detailing a new detector design that can be fine-tuned to increase sensitivity to physics beyond the original DUNE concept. The new detector, named SLoMo, will enhances DUNE’s sensitivity to neutrinos emitted from sources other than the beam of neutrinos created at Fermilab.

          All about the PIP-II particle accelerator for which India is building components in collaboration with US

            India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a $140 million in-kind contribution from the Indian Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) towards collaborative development of the Proton Improvement Plan-II Accelerator, for the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility. India will contribute to superconducting research, electromagnets, radio frequency equipment, and other technical components for PIP-II.

            Weird science!

              From the Black Hills Pioneer, July 7, 2023: Over 2,000 people in Lead, South Dakota celebrated Neutrino Day on July 8, organized by the Sanford Underground Research Facility with LBNF and DUNE members participating. The event featured a science comedian, interactive science booths, virtual underground tours as well as speakers on renewable energy and the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility for DUNE.