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News highlights featuring Fermilab

981 - 990 of 1519 results

“Evil-genius” neutrino gun could finally unmask the tiniest particles in the universe

    From Live Science, Aug. 19, 2019: The international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, is first in this list of important upcoming neutrino experiments. Both the Fermilab accelerator complex and the giant underground detector will enable scientists to study perhaps the most underrated particles known to humankind.

    Innovation: Nigel Lockyer

      From SDPB Radio, July 26, 2019: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer’s full interview for “Morning Fill-Up” is now available on the South Dakota Public Broadcasting site. In the 58-minute recording, Lockyer discusses neutrinos, the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility and Sanford Underground Research Facility and his own journey in science.

      Fifty years ago, Fermilab turned to bubbles

        From Science News, Aug. 8, 2019: It’s a news flashback. Science News excerpts a bit on the Fermilab Bubble Chamber from their August 16, 1969, issue. “Use by visitors is expected to be especially large at the National Accelerator Laboratory now under construction at Batavia, Ill…. NAL staff and consultants agree that the laboratory will need a large bubble chamber, and it now plans to build one in collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory.”

        Resurrected detector will hunt for some of the strangest particles in the universe

          From Science, Aug. 8, 2019: Fermilab physicists are resurrecting a massive particle detector by lowering it into a tomblike pit and embalming it with a chilly fluid. In August, workers eased two gleaming silver tanks bigger than shipping containers, the two halves of the detector, into a concrete-lined hole. Hauled from Europe two years ago, ICARUS will soon start a second life seeking perhaps the strangest particles physicists have dreamed up, oddballs called sterile neutrinos.

          Dark matter has never killed anyone, and scientists want to know why

            From Popular Science, July 29, 2019: “Death by Dark Matter” is not the name of your new favorite metal band; it’s the literal title of a new study by a trio of American of physicists. Fermilab science Dan Hooper is quoted in this article on their paper, which explores what the hypothetical consequences might be on the human population if a certain candidate of dark matter turned out to be true.

            A smashing summer

              From Independent, July 27, 2019: A high school student spends his summer working on neutrinos and Fermilab’s NOvA neutrino experiment.

              Brasil precisa aumentar participação em grandes projetos de colaboração internacional em ciência

                From FAPESP, July 24, 2019: Três das principais conquistas científicas nos últimos anos – a detecção do bóson de Higgs, em 2012, e das ondas gravitacionais, em 2015, e a obtenção da primeira imagem de um buraco negro, em 2019 – têm algo em comum: são grandes projetos colaborativos, com a participação de pesquisadores de diversos países, incluindo o Brasil.