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News highlights featuring Fermilab

211 - 220 of 1521 results

What is known about the ‘fifth force’ of nature that a group of scientists claims to have discovered

    From Univision, August 11. 2023 (Right click to translate to English): The Muon g-2 results announced last week confirm muons did not behave as predicted by the current theory of physics, the Standard Model. The announcement brings physicists closer to discoveries such as whether there are more types of matter and energy that make up the universe than have been accounted for.

    Is there new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics? Our finding will help settle the question

      From The Conversation, Aug. 10, 2023: The new results of the Muon g-2 experiment are summarized by a group of Postdocs from the University of Liverpool. The latest results examined four times as many muons as the 2021 result, cutting the total uncertainty by a factor of two. This makes the measurement the most precise determination of the muon’s wobble ever made on Muon g-2.

      Quantum information school launches at Fermilab, using subatomic principles for groundbreaking technology

        From the Chicago Tribune, Aug. 10, 2023: This week Fermilab hosted the first U.S. Quantum Information Science school for 150 students, including scientists, researchers, college students and industry professionals. The program aims to educate the next generation of researchers on quantum device design and fabrication; quantum computing algorithms; quantum sensing; and cryogenics.

        World’s most powerful X-ray free electron laser soon online

          From Interesting Engineering, Aug. 9, 2023: For more than a decade, SLAC has been preparing to power the world’s most powerful X-ray free electron laser by getting electrons to fly through a new superconducting accelerator called the Linac Coherent Light Source II. Fermilab is one of the four national labs to contribute to the engineering of this powerful superconducting X-ray machine.

          The hunt for dark matter

            From the The Globe and Mail (Canada), Aug. 5, 2023: Scientists and researchers at SNOLAB are assembling a new experiment known as the Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search to help solve the mystery of, what is the dark of dark matter? Fermilab associate scientist, Daniel Baxter who worked at the SNOLAB facility two kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface, weighs in.

            Designing detector for DUNE

              From Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, July 25, 2023: PNNL scientists and a team of university and national laboratory collaborators recently published a paper detailing a new detector design that can be fine-tuned to increase sensitivity to physics beyond the original DUNE concept.

              Designing detectors for DUNE

                From PNNL, July 25, 2023: PNNL researchers and a team of university and national laboratory collaborators recently published a paper detailing a new detector design that can be fine-tuned to increase sensitivity to physics beyond the original DUNE concept. The new detector, named SLoMo, will enhances DUNE’s sensitivity to neutrinos emitted from sources other than the beam of neutrinos created at Fermilab.