10 years later, Higgs boson discoverers publish refined measurements
In new papers by the CMS and ATLAS Collaborations, physicists detail high-precision results from their latest Higgs boson studies.
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In new papers by the CMS and ATLAS Collaborations, physicists detail high-precision results from their latest Higgs boson studies.
Senior engineering students designed a portable cleanroom and a modular cryomodule mockup for Fermilab’s new accelerator complex upgrade project.
A postdoc on the PIP-II project, Pathak works on beam dynamics and also enjoys riding his bike around Fermilab and admiring the blue sky of the Illinois prairieland.
CERN’s accelerators and the LHC’s detectors have undergone major upgrades that will allow scientists to collect more data in the upcoming run than they did in the previous two runs combined.
Levernier shares his passion for the environment, birding and prairie restoration at Fermilab.
As this year’s composer-in-residence, they will create musical pieces in concert with Fermilab’s scientists.
The two institutions have signed an agreement to collaborate on research in support of one of the largest particle physics experiments in the world: DUNE, hosted by Fermilab.
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will look for a never-before-seen subatomic phenomenon that, if observed, would transform our understanding of elementary particles: the direct conversion of a muon into an electron. An international collaboration of over 200 scientists is building the Mu2e precision particle detector that will hunt for new physics beyond the Standard Model.
Toups now co-leads the precision neutrino experiment through its analysis phase, along with Justin Evans of the University of Manchester.
Fermilab’s Sandra Nelson talks of her love of math, tennis tournaments and jazz music.