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Get to know 10 early-career theorists

Right now could be considered one of the best — and most uncertain — times in theoretical physics. That’s what Symmetry heard in interviews with 10 junior faculty in the field. They talk about what keeps them up at night, their favorite places to think and how they explain their jobs to nonscientists.

Lead experiment like a giant microscope, Chicago lab director says

    From Rapid City Journal, July 12, 2019: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer was the guest for a free public speaker series held one day prior to Neutrino Day, a full day of neutrino-themed public activities in Lead. Lockyer spoke about is known as the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), housed in the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF), which will have its South Dakota component at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in the former Homestake mine. It’s a billion-dollar international collaboration, and it’s described as the largest particle physics project ever built in the United States.

    FPGAs and the road to reprogrammable HPC

      From Inside HPC, July 3, 2019: Particle physics researchers are using custom integrated circuits called FPGAs in combination with other computing resources to process massive quantities of data at extremely fast rates to find clues to the origins of the universe. This requires filtering sensor data in real time to identify novel particle substructures that could contain evidence of the existence of dark matter and other physical phenomena. A growing team of physicists and engineers from Fermilab, CERN and other institutions, co-led by Fermilab scientist Nhan Tran, wanted to have a flexible way to optimize custom-event filters in the CMS detector they are working on at CERN.

      The 9 percent difference

        Few numbers have gotten under astronomers’ skin like the Hubble constant. In fact, experts have debated the value of this single parameter for 90 years, and if astronomers can measure its value with great precision, they’ll be one step closer to solving some of the other grand astronomical mysteries of our age. There’s just one problem: The measurements they’ve taken don’t agree. The discrepancy makes scientists question whether something is amiss in our understanding of the universe.

        Three sky surveys completed in preparation for Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument

        It took three sky surveys to prepare for a new project that will create the largest 3-D map of the universe’s galaxies and glean new insights about the universe’s accelerating expansion. This Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument project will explore this expansion, driven by a mysterious property known as dark energy, in great detail. The surveys, which wrapped up in March, have amassed images of more than 1 billion galaxies and are essential in selecting celestial objects to target with DESI, now under construction in Arizona.

        The right stuff

          A lot of people say they would like to travel to Mars, but Zoe Townsend doesn’t just talk the talk. As a mechanical engineer at CERN, she knows the importance of putting ideas to the test. To see if she could actually handle the unique challenges posed by living and doing science on another planet, Townsend spent 12 days on a simulated Mars mission in the deserts of Utah.

          Why pilots are seeing UFOs

            From CNN, June 21, 2019: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln talks about the recent UFO sightings in the news. It’s plausible that what pilots have been seeing is something with an ordinary explanation, whether it be an instrumental glitch or some other unexplained artifact.