
From Yahoo News, July 31, 2022: Elliott Tanner is a student from Minnesota who at age 13 completed his bachelor of science in physics and and is continuing on to a Ph.D. program. At the University of Minnesota, he is working on simulation and analysis for the Short-Baseline Neutrino Program at Fermilab and he aspires to be a theoretical physicist and a physics professor in the near future.

From the Universities Research Association: Michael Dolce, a physics doctoral candidate at Tufts University, was awarded a stipend as part of the URA’s Fall 2020 Visiting Scholars Program to compare data collected between NOvA’s Near and Far detector. While on the VSP grant, Dolce worked alongside his sponsor Dr. Louise Suter, a NOvA expert and Fermilab scientist who provided him a direct line to the laboratory and valuable guidance.

From UK Research and Innovation, July 26, 2022: UK engineers have started producing what is perhaps the most critical link in a complex and powerful accelerator chain, the neutrino production target for LBNF at Fermilab. Together, STFC engineers and Fermilab have started an international collaboration known as RaDIATE in which the collaboration applies the expertise and facilities of nuclear materials scientists to the challenging environment.

From the Polsky Center, July 26, 2022: Fermilab’s quantum ASIC group leader Shaorui Li founded Lismikro, a new start-up dedicated to developing innovative low-power microchip controllers to solve the hardware bottleneck and unleash the full potential of quantum computers. Lismikro was awarded a $200,000 co-investment from the Polsky Center’s George Shultz Innovation Fund and is capable of scaling the control electronics beyond today’s 100 qubits for superconducting, ion trap, and photonic quantum processors.