
From Science News, April 22, 2022: A more detailed survey of the Great Pyramid is being planned by a team of researchers who will place much larger detectors than previously used outside the pyramid measuring muons from multiple angles. The results will provide a 3-D view of what’s inside in the Great Pyramid, says Fermilab particle physicist Alan Bross.

Scientists worried Higgs pairs would be too rare for LHC experiments to find. But by using machine learning, they now are getting tantalizingly close.

CERN’s accelerators and the LHC’s detectors have undergone major upgrades that will allow scientists to collect more data in the upcoming run than they did in the previous two runs combined.

From WIRED, April 18, 2022: A collaboration of over four hundred scientists, hundreds of measurements and a 0.1 percent too heavy W boson have led to a tiny discrepancy in the Standard Model theory that could be a huge shift in fundamental physics.

Artist rendering of Fermilab campus

The Department of Energy has formally approved the start of full construction for the PIP-II project, an upgrade to the Fermilab accelerator complex that includes a new linear accelerator. PIP-II is an essential enhancement that will power the world’s most intense high-energy neutrino beam. It is the first particle accelerator built in the United States with significant contributions from international partners.

From FOX 32 Chicago, April 19, 2022: Fox News Chicago’s Tim McGill visited Fermilab yesterday for a first-hand look at the lab’s newest bison calves and the well-known herd. Herdsman Cleo Garcia shared with McGill his experiences and the behaviors he has observed in caring for the bison for the past 11 years.